So I was surfing around in the web 2.0 tools that are listed on the class site, and registered for dabbleboard. This is so cool!! Meg, Cirbi and I all sat here and scribbled on this document LIVE in about 5 minutes! I am blown away!
I can totally see how you could use this up in front of the class -- drawing arrows pointing to specific parts of a picture for example. Each kid could have rights to the document and can scribble their own thoughts on it. We could create a collaborative picture. Very neat. But for the life of me, I can't figure out how to get the entire pic up on there. I tried changing the size but it didn't seem to matter. ?
Woah, this is just way cool. This class has just provided me with so much information that I am totally using in my everyday life already!! Here is my first Screentoaster video. I'm not sure yet if it has audio or not...the original video is a Youtube video (that does have sound) of my son that I had embedded into my personal family blog. So I did the screenshot from there, and since I am not familiar with the keyboard shortcuts, I go back and forth to the Screentoaster site (which I obviously would try to avoid when doing a clean copy of something...I actually think it's kind of neat to see the back and forth like this.) Waaaaay cool!!
You ladies sure had fun with Dabbleboard. Ha. Also, you discovered Screentoaster which will ultimately become the primary tool for creating online video.